Interpret This//An Exhibition


The aftermath of the first exhibition I organised has been one of elation, and it has taken me a few days to actually be able to sit down and write a blog post about it due to lots of post exhibition ends to tie. It was an incredible success and thank you to everyone who came, the £3 left in the donation box was a mere reflection of the 100+ people who turned up over the evening (note to self, students are stingy.) A massive thank you goes to my friends and course mates who helped with everything from organisation to turning up to show support, and to all of the artist for contributing such great artwork. They always say a picture says 1000 words, though that is a bit of an issue for a writer like me, but regardless here are some photographs of the night, so those of you who couldn’t make it can have a little look! Hope those who came has a good a time as I did and hopefully I will do another soon!

Some of my best friends dropped by

Some of my best friends dropped by

First viewers come in

First viewers come in

My talented friend Jonny Woodhead performing an acoustic set

My talented friend Jonny Woodhead performing an acoustic set

Consume/Performativity by Charley Beddows

Consume/Performativity by Charley Beddows

Video art from Ray Martin

Video art from Ray Martin